
Zero X is a programming game, as such you don't play the game directly yourself. Instead you program an agent class, that will interact with other agents and objects in the game.
The language we will use for our agents is Ruby (Version 1.9.2 recommanded). After you registered and logged in, you will be directed to your agency. From here you can manage all your agents. First we start to create a new one.

Agent Class

At the agency page press the button "generate agent" to get a stub of the agent class. At the beginning of the class the MIT licence has been prepend, add your real name in the copyright line.
Every user has its own namespace, therefore the class is nested in a module, that should have the name of your user in camel case. So if your login name is "robert_123" your module should be named "Robert123". Then give your agent class a name, for example "Invincible". Later when you upload your agent file, you will be asked to fill in the full class name including all namespaces. So for our example this would be "Robert123::Invincible".

module UserName
	class AgentName < Tournament::Agent
		def think
   			# collect data
            # analyse them
            # take a decision

Now that we set up all the names, let's move to the interesting part: the "think" method.
Every agent will receive its own thread during a game, which will invoke this method periodically. Within think you will traditionally do three things: collect data from the agents environment, analyse them and then take a decision for an appropriate action.
How your think method will look like is up to you. But let me show you the possibilities.